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Paper on GovernmentEssay Writing Service Paper on Government Paper on GovernmentThe Congress is mindful to give and keep up the milita...
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Essay on GovernmentEssay Writing Service
Paper on GovernmentEssay Writing Service Paper on Government Paper on GovernmentThe Congress is mindful to give and keep up the military, the support of exchange relations with outside countries and manage monetary strategies to keep up the military and the naval force. In such manner, the article The 2014 â€Å"Wastebook†of Weird Government-Funded Projects, Ranked from â€Å"Well, Ok†to â€Å"Wha?†by Alicia Lu (2014) identifies with each one of those forces of the US Congress conceded by the US Constitution and the Article 1, Section 8. Actually, the article gives the basic assessment of assorted arrangements led by the administration, which however have been authorized by the US Congress. Now, it merits referencing the way that the US Congress decides the financial plan and spending just as duties gathered in the US. Thus, the insufficient utilization of open assets is, to a huge degree, the duty of the Congress since it was the Congress that conceded and sanctioned the government financial plan and all the spending.A t this point, the military spending is especially disappointing for the normal American in light of the fact that the US armed force has squandered $16 billion on the unneeded ammo and, in addition, about $1 billion has been spent on the crushing of the unneeded ammo. In such a manner, the US Congress ends up using open assets insufficiently. This is the reason the US Congress is at present alluded to as one of the most inefficient and incapable as far as the administration spending. Be that as it may, the activities and arrangements directed by the US Congress don't repudiate to the US Constitution and the Congress works inside the structure characterized by the US Constitution. The issue is that the US Congress neglects to practice its forces effectively.â â â â â â â â â â â In such a circumstance, individuals from the Congress, for example, Senators from my state, Texas, John Cornyn and Ted Cruz and delegate from my area, Lance Gooden, fail to meet expectations, in a ny event. Truth be told, they evidently neglect to play out their capacities adequately in light of the fact that they neglect to make the fair spending plan and forestall the incapable utilization of assets by the US government and the military (Irons, 2009). For instance, the US Congress could have cut the spending of the government financial plan on the US armed force that would animate the US armed force to spare expenses and use them all the more successfully that would prompt the refusal structure unneeded ammo and sparing of the open assets. Truth be told, under Article 1 Section 8 of the US Constitution, it is the intensity of the Congress to keep up the military and direct financial strategies just as to deal with the government money. Be that as it may, the Congress neglects to practice its forces viably so far.â â â â â â â â â â â The Congress should change its strategies and exercise its forces all the more adequately to assist the US with using the open sup ports all the more successfully and to forestall the abuse of the open assets. In such manner, the current circumstance and inadequacy of individuals from the Congress uncovers the way that the US Constitution can't make the US Congress successful or inadequate be that as it may, rather, the US Constitution makes conditions for the reasonable utilization of its forces, while it is the moral duty of every individual from the Congress to practice those forces broadly and effectively.Thus, the US Congress has extensive forces conceded by the US Constitution. Notwithstanding, the Congress doesn't generally utilizes those forces adequately. Thus, every individual from the Congress should bear the moral obligation regarding appropriate practicing of accessible forces.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Adult Developement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Grown-up Developement - Essay Example Starting with youthful adulthood and consummation with the older phase of advancement, this paper will depict the different qualities that characterize what each phase of improvement is. Moreover, bits of knowledge will in like manner be given with respect to adulthood in various societies. In specific manners, adulthood is comparative with various social viewpoints. All things considered, it is fundamental to portray adulthood in various societies in order to give a more clear point of view on the improvement of grown-ups in the United States as well as on the planet as well.The early adulthood stage is normally characterized as the period wherein an individual is between the ages of 20 to 40 years of age. At this stage, individuals are simultaneously if building their establishment for the last phases of their life. This incorporates the school years, the early long stretches of business, and marriage. Besides, at this phase of advancement, the different parts of improvement are we aved, which is the situation with different phases of improvement also. All the more significantly, the decisions and the occasions that happen in the life of a youthful grown-up have incredible impacts by they way he will advance with his improvement later on.During early adulthood, people are at their prime genuinely. At this stage, they are the pinnacle of their quality, vitality, and perseverance. Moreover, youthful grown-ups additionally end up at the pinnacle of their tangible and engine working. ... Accordingly, the way of life of a youthful is profoundly applicable while thinking about his physical wellbeing. During this stage, the way of life of an individual as a rule incorporates smoking, liquor, and in specific cases, substance or medication use. Every one of these elements add to the soundness of youthful grown-ups. A way of life with such components not just prompts different wellbeing perils during early adulthood, it likewise adds to the untimely crumbling of the strength of youthful grown-ups particularly later on in their lives. Subjective Development The subjective capacities of youthful grown-ups are frequently molded by their encounters. An ordinary depiction of the intellectual qualities of early adulthood is known as post formal idea. As per Papalia et al (2001), It is commonly applied to social circumstances and includes the capacity to move between theoretical thinking and down to earth thought; mindfulness that issues can have different causes and arrangements; practicality in picking arrangements; and familiarity with characteristic clash. Moreover, youthful grown-ups grow greater adaptability and relativity in the way they see the different issues that they manage. They are not, at this point restricted to high contrast. Rather, they start to see shades of dark which means that they understand that there is in every case multiple sides to any story. Psychosocial Development During early adulthood, individuals go into personal connections that might prompt marriage. In situations where such connections end up in marriage, the following concern would be parenthood. Accordingly, youthful grown-ups start to consider a bigger number of elements than those that exclusively concern themselves. In managing individuals, youthful grown-ups have unmistakably more to consider than when they were more youthful. As recently referenced, experience has a great deal to do
Friday, August 21, 2020
Should You Buy Cheap Research Paper?
Should You Buy Cheap Research Paper?One of the key questions many writers in this field face is whether they should buy cheap research paper. There are pros and cons for each, but there are certain things you need to know.If you buy the cheapest papers that you can find then chances are, you won't be buying any more papers in the future. If you buy cheap research paper, you'll get many months of heavy use out of them, and they'll be of much better quality than you expect, especially if you invest in them from a reputable supplier. Many of the cheaper paper types available these days have got thicker stock and this means that they're more expensive, but they also mean that they last longer.Buy cheap paper when you know you want to buy it. The reason why I say buy cheap research paper when you know you want to buy it is because it's the cheapest option and if you have to buy something now then it will be way more expensive. There are several alternatives available that are not cheap, b ut offer the same kind of paper quality.Another thing to consider when buying cheap research paper is the quality of your supplier. Most suppliers sell the paper through different middlemen, meaning that they sell to the supermarkets and the home delivery companies at one end, and those two supplies the paper to their customers at the other end. So what you have is a chain of middlemen in place, who sell the paper at high prices, and the suppliers or the supermarkets sell the paper at low prices to the home delivery and the other retailers. It's a vicious circle and it means that if you buy the paper from one of the retailers, you are likely to pay way too much for it.In order to buy cheap research paper, you need to look at various options. Firstly, it's important to note that the majority of the papers come in a zip lock bag which makes them vulnerable to damage. In the long run, you could be paying much more for the paper than you originally expected.When you are buying paper, yo u need to make sure that it comes with a guarantee and that the paper has a decent amount of writing on it. This allows you to know the paper isn't going to be damaged or miss-printed before you use it. For this reason, the bulk of the cheap paper that you buy comes in large rolls that you can tear open and get a decent sized piece of paper.Some of the key issues to remember when buying cheap research paper are that you don't want it to get too thick. If it gets too thick, it could become difficult to read, so avoid using it for scientific reasons.While there are many alternatives available to buy cheap research paper, and you may have been tempted to go with a retailer because they seem to offer you the best deals, you may have actually been giving them the best possible deal. It's worth researching what other providers have to offer in order to get the best price. A lot of companies are taking an interest in the way we shop online and that means you may get some amazing discounts and excellent customer service at the same time.
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Attachment Theory Since The Time Of John Bolwby....
This essay sets out to discuss important developments of the attachment theory since the time of John Bolwby. Bowlby’s evolutionary theory of attachment suggests that children come into the world biologically pre-programmed to form attachments with others, to help them survive. He believed that attachment behaviors are instinctive and are activated by any conditions that seem to threaten the achievement of proximity, so separation, insecurity and fear (McLeod, 2007). The first development to be discussed comes from Mary Ainsworth, a former student of Bolwby’s. In the 1970’s Ainsworth developed a procedure, The Strange Situation, to assess the quality of a child’s attachment to their caregiver. Secondly, The Adult Attachment Interview developed shortly after the strange situation by a former student of Ainsworth’s, Mary Main. This looked at the attachment of the adult and the correlation between the adult’s attachment and their child’s. Finally, Edward Tronick’s Still Face Experiment first presented in 1975. This helped look at individual differences in attachment style through a procedure of a baby interacting with the caregiver and then the baby’s reaction to a non-responsive, emotionless caregiver, then most importantly the reaction of the baby when there is reparation from the mother. In the 1970’s Mary Ainsworth introduced a new way of studying child/parent attachments. She initiated a stressful event that activated the child’s attachment system whilst providing for the
Friday, May 15, 2020
Gun Control And The United States - 1569 Words
In the United States gun control is a big controversy that has been blown out of proportion the last few years. Anything that has to do with guns in the news, reporters say it is the guns fault. Gun control laws are being changed and morphed for the new society that we live in today. What gun control really means is a group of laws to control the selling and use of guns.(1). Statistics have proven that most people want more control on guns. Many surveys have shown that the benefits of gun control in the United States out way the negative effects. Many people do not know enough about guns to get in on the argument, whether gun control is beneficial to the American people or not. The most important object about gun control are the facts that have been proven. Harsh gun control laws will not work in the United States.(7). Legally owned guns are stolen and used by criminals.(4). If a gun is stolen from a house and used to murder someone, the person who legally owns the gun will get prosecuted. This is why we need more laws that protect the common folk that own guns. Between 2005-2010 1.4 million rifles were stolen from U.S homes.(4). Gun sales have shot up 40% in the last 5 years.(4). 40% of all gun sales are undocumented private party.(7). Not having a background check when purchasing a gun/firearm can put everyone at risk. If a gun ends up in the wrong hands many lives may be lost. The second amendment was made to protect the rights of militants to own guns, not the rightShow MoreRelatedGun Control Of The United States1698 Words  | 7 Pagesshootings that has happened throughout the Unites States has created a great divide among Americans on what should our nation do to prevent further shootings from happening. Many people believe that forcing new laws on how people purchase weapons should require background checks. Gun Control in the United States of America is a topic that has had lots of criticism and support by many citizens. The critical people of this topic believe that the guns do not kill people, it is the people that kill peopleRead MoreGun Control Of The United States Essay1412 Words  | 6 Pa gesGun Control Proposal Gun control is a highly controversial topic in the United States. There are many people who are for gun control - people who want to have stricter laws to make it so criminals and other dangerous people can’t obtain a firearm. But, there are also the people who disagree with gun control laws and believe there should be a more lenient gun control to help people defend themselves during risky situations. Many gun control laws have been passed for many years. While many have beenRead MoreGun Control And The United States929 Words  | 4 PagesGun control has been a debated, revisited and revised issue for more than a century in the United States. Recently, after several mass shootings in the United States, gun violence issues are; yet again, renewed and in the forefront for the United States. This paper will consist of insight on gun violence in the United States and the newly imposed gun control policies by President Obama; along with, the arguments for and against the new policies and what roles both the formal and informal actorsRead MoreGun Control Of The United States1166 Words  | 5 PagesSince America’s birth, guns have played a large part in it’s society. Citizens of the United States have used firearms to protect the land they love, and their families. They even use them for engaging activities such as hunting and sport. Though firearms may seem to have a commonplace in society, weighing the rights and liberties of citizens against the safety and welfare of the public has always been a delicate process. In the United States, gun control is a of heated issue that has two sides.Read MoreGun Control And The United States988 Words  | 4 PagesGun Control Reassessment in the United States Imagine this: you are in World History class at your high school almost falling asleep learning about Ancient China. It is a normal day for you and your classmates, until you hear an announcement from the principal. You expect the typical lockdown drill, but this situation is far from typical. A man with a gun breaks into your school. BANG! Several of your classmates are killed before this man can be controlled. You survive, but live the rest of yourRead MoreGun Control And The United States1435 Words  | 6 PagesGun Control For gun control, there should be some requirements for the people to take in order to own a gun for themselves. Throughout the United States, gun control should allow people to still have guns; however, the citizens should go through some changes to ensure safety throughout the nation. Gun control has given some helpful ideals before that would help the people understand the responsibilities of their guns. They want to make sure that these laws maintain to progress as a better solutionRead MoreGun Control Of The United States1704 Words  | 7 Pagesshootings that has happened all through the Unites States has made an great divide among Americans on what ought our country do to keep further shootings from happening. Numerous individuals trust that forcing new laws on how people buy weapons should require background verifications. Gun Control in the United States of America is a topic that has had lots of criticism and support by numerous citizens. The critical people of this topic trust that the guns don t murder people, is that people kill peopleRead MoreGun Control in the United States1306 Words  | 6 Pages Gun Control in the United States has gone out of control. The United States should enforce laws to not allow any guns in a house hold in order to reduce violence and crime in the country. Reducing the rate of crime in the United States, controlling big weapons, taxing ammunition, and gun collection can help make this happen. Gun Control can make this country a safer environment to live in. Gun Control has obviously gone out of control in the recent years. Look around, they are everywhere. ReducingRead MoreGun Control Of The United States853 Words  | 4 Pagesbut also criminal sphere. Crime in the United States remains one of the main problems of the country. Every year, 6 million Americans become a victims of crime, murders occur every 24 minutes, rape occur every 5 minutes, robbery occur every 54 seconds. Life becomes dangerous and we need to be able to protect your family by yourself, your business, your property. Therefore so many people thinking about to buys guns and to have guns at home. In addition, the gun is freedom. We live in a free countryRead MoreGun Control Of The United States1101 Words  | 5 Pages Gun Control Introduction We want to study if more guns translate to greater deaths. According to Tita, over 200,000 people die every year from homicides, suicides or misfortunes relating to small firearms (2). Gun violence in the United States is on the rise since time immemorial. Therefore, the study will explain why several deaths are as a result of guns. Furthermore, it will elaborate on the reasons why people use firearms to commit homicides and suicides. The purpose of the analysis is to
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Ways to Help Remedy the Plagiarism Problem
Plagiarism is a word that should be well known to anyone who has attended school. To plagiarize, as defined by the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, is â€Å"to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as ones own; use (anothers production) without crediting the source; to commit literary theft; present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.†While it would seem obvious that this would be a bad thing to do and, therefore, easy to avoid, many students and writers of all backgrounds find the subject confusing. Even famous persons, such as Martin Luther King and Helen Keller, have been accused of plagiarizism. Many teachers have spent years agonizing over the subject of plagiarism. Some rely on their†¦show more content†¦Also, the expectations of teachers, parents and peers can be an added burden. The key to remove such worries is to simply study hard and do one’s best. However, another important aspect of student life is to make sure to fully comprehend the requirements of written projects. Speaking with teachers and professors, as well as other students, can help remove the risk of being caught off guard and needing a quick remedy to a report that leads to accidental plagiarism. No matter how well a person plans their written works or how much effort they put into them, there is only one sure way to avoid the possibility of plagiarism: citing sources. It is very common for people to misunderstand the concepts of plagiarism and paraphrasing and this can lead to missing credit in their papers. Sometimes, it is thought that merely using quotes around a phrase or passage is credit enough. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The apparently unanimous opinion of scholars, publishers and the like is to â€Å"give credit where credit is due†2 whenever there is any doubt. This means any ideas or written words that are not common knowledge should be properly credited. A citation at the end of a research report, for example, is the safest way to avoid claims of plagiarism. Students who are found guilty of plagiarizing can face a number of severe punishments. They have been known to receive failing grades, be suspended from school for long periods of time or evenShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Plagiarism1143 Words  | 5 PagesPlagiarism hinders intellectual advancement. The problems of plagiarism have been discussed for hundreds of years. With technologies, plagiarism becomes a fairly common practice in recent years. Plagiarism is actually recognized as a dishonest act from the 18th century when the original literature takes on more value within society. Readers want to read new creations of ideas and words from writers instead of seeing them polish the writings that have already been emitted. Writers are able at thisRead More Schools and Education - Understanding the Rise in Apathy, Cheating and Plagiarism3796 Words  | 16 PagesApathy, Cheating and Plagiarism – Understanding the Problem Over the past ten years teachers have witnessed a drop in student preparation and a rise in apathy and cheating. Students who cheat do so from a variety of motives. Making this situation even more difficult is that faculty members do not even define plagiarism the same or punish it consistently (Howard, â€Å"Sexuality†473). Some surveys even show that teachers simply ignore the problem or do not report plagiarism because: â€Å"they doRead Morebusiness law chap 92036 Words  | 9 Pagesacquire knowledge of various conceptual frameworks which help to understand the operation of the law and particularly the law of contracts, agency and the Uniform Commercial Code. 3. Legal Reasoning: To develop useful problem solving skills and tools necessary for dealing with actual legal problems. 4. Skills in Communication: To improve communication skills which are essential to dealing effectively with legal and other problems in the business world. Procedures, Requirements andRead MoreThe Controversial Scientific Breakthroughs Has Been The Success Of Cloning1499 Words  | 6 Pagesis, it will become reality sooner or later. In an article published by BBC News Online Network, Professor Severino Antionori told BBC that human cloning can be a good idea in certain situations. For example, in the human fertility issue as it will help couples who are unable to have children. Antionori also succeded in helping a 62 years old woman give birth to blah blah (source) vitro fertilization techniques under therapeutic cloning method. But is human cloning ethically or morally wrong? InRead MoreA Brief Note On Plagiarism And Collusion. Plagiarism4014 Words  | 17 PagesAssignment Cover Sheet Faculty of Science and Technology GROUP 4: Eswar Muraharisetty, Maneesh Chatamoni, Rohita Gongada UNIT CODE: SEB724 UNIT CHAIR: Dr Arun Patil ASSIGNMENT NAME: Engineering Leadership DUE DATE: 06/10/2014 Plagiarism and collusion Plagiarism occurs when a student passes off as the student’s own work, or copies without acknowledgment as to its authorship, the work of any other person. Collusion occurs when a student obtains the agreement of another person for a fraudulent purposeRead MoreThe Importance Of Long Standing National Traditions On School Performance And Educational Attainment5716 Words  | 23 Pageswas replaced with contrasting state educational systems, on the basis of various models developed in the Federal Republic of Germany during the post – World War ll period. Collaboration with Families and Stakeholders: Community engagement is a two-way street where the school, families, and the community actively work together, creating networks of shared responsibility for student success. It is a tool that promotes civic well-being and that strengthens the capacity of schools, families, and communitiesRead MoreUsing Wireless Sensor Networks Help With A Lot Of The Things They Do2464 Words  | 10 PagesThis article is about how governments revolutionize their cites using wireless sensor networks to help with a lot of the things they do to keep the cities safe. Traffic cameras with motion sensors to help track red light runners. Water conservation technology to help cities irrigation systems. Or just with mailmen routes, garbage routes, and bus schedules. I. Introduction Plagiarism: Plagiarism is when you try to copy someone else’s work and try to present it as your own work masterpieceRead MoreEffective Our Current Proposal Forms Are At Gathering Relevant Risk Information Essay2094 Words  | 9 Pagesproposal forms effective in gathering risk information? – By ensuring our proposal forms are adequate it would assist the underwriter during the risk selection process, ensuring for better informed decisions regarding acceptability criteria and would help assist in avoiding undesirable risks being accepted into the portfolio. Having detailed proposal forms allows the underwriter to understand the risk much deeper and could also assist in defending potential claims during the policy term. Placing a heavyRead MorePsych Syllabus Essay2272 Words  | 10 PagesAgenda available for download at the beginning of each seminar week. Note: At the option of the instructor, assignments, discussions, quizzes, exams, seminar points, due dates, and other requirements may be modified, added, or deleted. Two ways to determine where you stand: Manually: (1) Divide the total number of points you have earned by the total number of points available. (2) Multiply the resulting decimal by 100 to convert it to a percentage. Online: Click on the ReportRead More The Technological Opportunity for Nurses Essay2967 Words  | 12 Pagesâ€Å"she’ll be ready to retire or at least cut back on her hours in the next five years†(Lack, 2005). In 2020, â€Å"the U.S. will need 1.7 million nurses,†while the supply is likely to be only 600,000 (Tremel, 2004, pg. 63). What is to be done to remedy the situation of our aging and retiring nurses? Some states are taking innovative steps by starting â€Å"shift-bidding†for part-time nurses (Smith, 2005, p. 1), requiring mandatory reduction of nurse-to-patient ratios (Leighty, 2004, p. 1), changing
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Citibank and Wells Fargo Financial Analysis †
Question: Discuss about the Citibank and Wells Fargo Financial Analysis. Answer: Introduction It is logical to compare Wells Fargo and Citi Bank mainly because they both offer close to similar banking financial services. Citi Bank and Wells Fargo are among the best banks in US with large number of branches across the continent states. Wells Fargo employees over the three year period number has been seen to be close to constant figure of 264900 employees in 2013,264500 in 2014 and 264700 in 2015 most of which are full time equivalent employees as illustrated in link . At Citibank in 2013 they had 183817,2014 it was 176417 while in 2015 it was 170413 all deemed to be full time service employees as referred in link .Hence in terms of human resource Wells Fargo has more workers than Citibank of course as a result of 2008-2009 financial crisis effect. Citibank had 723 branches in US refer to link while Wells Fargo by 2015 they had 8700 branches with 13000 ATMS as referred in link Citibank and Wells Fargo are global in its performance with branches across 35countries across the world for Wells Fargo and branches in 19 states for Citibank offering commercial banking financial services as well as insurance service across globe. They both operate under timelines of 40hrs a week with the aspect of offering corporate social responsibility services to the needy in the region. Analysis conducted using 2013,2014,2015 on efficiency of using assets to generate income for the two banks have clearly shown that in 2013 Wells Fargo utilized its assets well by 1.51% to generate revenue than Citi Bank that just utilized 0.73% for the same contribution. There is a clear indication that in 2013 Wells Fargo managed its assets better than Citibank Bodie (2013.Pg 51). 2014 profitability ratio ROA as referred to in Brick (2006.Pg 410) confidently show that Wells Fargo is again seen to be well utilizing its assets efficiently to generate revenue than Citi Bank in 2014.In this FY statistics show that Citibank utilized 0.4% of its assets while Wells Fargo used 1.45% of its assets. 1.31% of Wells Fargo Assets was used to generate the reported revenue for the year 2015 whereas 0.45% of the assets reported in the 2015 financial position of the Citibank was used to generated the 2015 revenue reported in that year. Over the three year we can conclude by saying that Wells Fargo outshines Citibank in utilization of assets in revenue generation Financial Year 2015 By examining how shareholders funds were used to generate revenue is the option used to compare performance Penman (2007.Pg 476). In 2013 Wells Fargo utilized 11.22% of the shareholders fund to generate the revenue for that year whereas 6.7% was used by Citi bank in revenue generation a clear indication that the management of Well Fargo proofs maximum usage of the available resources for revenue generation. The 2014 return on equity though a little bit lesser than in 2013 likewise depicts proper utilization of the shareholders fund in Wells Fargo by 10.98% than Citibank that uses 3.5% of the shareholders fund to raise the 2014 revenue. In 2015 Wells Fargo still lead in proper utilization of the shareholders fund at 10.85% while Citibank just used 3.5% in revenue generation. Both ROA and ROE clearly indicates that Wells Fargo has shone over Citibank in utilization of assets and shareholders fund for revenue generation in the financial years 2013/2014/2015. Credit risk analysis for Wells Fargo in the year 2013 clearly show that the net consumer losses hit 98basis while in 2014 it decreased to 65 base. An indication explaining that at Wells Fargo both commercial and consumer loan portfolio constantly got stable nearly too low levels Crook (20007.Pg 1450). We can therefore state in years 2013 backwards the credit risks were high with consumer losses as high as 110basis but over the years that has been curbed to controllable levels Yu (2008.Pg 12).Citibank credit risks was witnessed to be more high than at Wells Fargo causing loans to be valued on accrual basis Martynenko(2010.Pg. 5). However although for both banks credit risks seemed not sparing at all, Citibank credit risks was high thus not favouring the market over the 3years as compared to the tremendous improvement in credit risk favour witnessed at Wells Fargo as per risk management caution taken. Conclusion As a matter of fact though there has been up and down experienced by the two banks it is clear show that Wells Fargo beats Citi Bank in performance as analysed by the factors of ROA, ROE, branches, employees and credit risk analysis. References Bodie, Z., 2013. Investments. McGraw-Hill. Brick, I.E., Palmon, O. and Wald, J.K., 2006. CEO compensation, director compensation, and firm performance: Evidence of cronyism? Journal of Corporate Finance, 12(3), pp.403-423. Crook, J.N., Edelman, D.B. and Thomas, L.C., 2007. Recent developments in consumer credit risk assessment. European Journal of Operational Research, 183(3), pp.1447-1465. Martynenko, O. and Holst, A., 2011. Default Risk in Equity Returns. Penman, S.H. and Penman, S.H., 2007. Financial statement analysis and security valuation (p. 476). New York: McGraw-Hill. Yu, L., Wang, S., Lai, K.K. and Zhou, L., 2008. BioInspired Credit Risk Analysis. Springer.
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